Garage Sale Extravaganza #2

The next garage sale extravaganza is just around the bend. We will be having it the second or third weekend in August, location TBD. The last garage sale extravaganza was hugely successful and helped us to cover some of our initial program fees with America World. Our next goal is to get our homestudy started. Thank you to everyone who has already brought items to be sold at the garage sale. We are still looking for more items as we'd like to put our last garage sale extravaganza to shame. Books, dvds, toys, clothes, furniture, lava lamps, that weird 70's shoe holder that your not sure where it came from, we'll sell it all. As always thank you for your thoughts, prayers, questions and encouragement.

Till next time,

1 Response to "Garage Sale Extravaganza #2"

  1. Lisa Says:

    Hey, my parents are downsizing. They have found lots of interesting goodies that could be someone elses treasure. I mentioned your garage sale but realized I didn't have your phone number. Do you do pick-ups or where would the stuff need to be taken (it could possibly fill your whole apartment :~) ). The tricky thing is they need to have the house cleared by Sunday evening.

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