Garage Sale Extravaganza #2

The next garage sale extravaganza is just around the bend. We will be having it the second or third weekend in August, location TBD. The last garage sale extravaganza was hugely successful and helped us to cover some of our initial program fees with America World. Our next goal is to get our homestudy started. Thank you to everyone who has already brought items to be sold at the garage sale. We are still looking for more items as we'd like to put our last garage sale extravaganza to shame. Books, dvds, toys, clothes, furniture, lava lamps, that weird 70's shoe holder that your not sure where it came from, we'll sell it all. As always thank you for your thoughts, prayers, questions and encouragement.

Till next time,

Here are the necklaces.

Here is a pic of one of the necklaces brought back from Rwanda. They really are gorgeous! We are asking for a suggested donation of $20 per necklace. All funds will go directly to covering the cost of the home study. If you are interested in purchasing a necklace, contact me. Thanks to those of you who have already purchased necklaces.

We are also collecting items for our next garage sale which will be on July 31. The donations we have received so far have been amazing! We have boxes of stuff sitting in our apartment waiting for the big day, but we can definitely use more. We can especially use bigger items such as old furniture, kitchen items, kids stuff, etc. Let us know if you have anything you would like to donate and we will arrange to pick it up.

Nicole (Chris, Cade & Eli)


Hey everyone. First of all, Chris has been crazy-busy at work lately so we'll be tag-teaming the blog. If nothing else, you'll get to see each of our perspectives from opposite ends of the spectrum. Chris is the eternal optimist; me . . . not so much. We'll try to remember to sign our posts so it doesn't get too confusing.

As far as the adoption goes, we are at a temporary stand still. We have been struggling with our desire to rush things along regardless of the cost with our belief that God has called us to financial wisdom throughout this process. After much prayer and deliberation, we decided that we don't feel comfortable going into debt to speed this process along. We have a set amount of our income that we have pledged and we are going to trust God to supply the rest according to His will and in His time. As difficult as it is to wait, we know that God chose our child for us long ago just like He chose Cade & Eli.

Anyway, we have been eagerly following the blogs of the last AWAA group to travel and their children are gorgeous! Seeing all of the months (& years) of preparation and worrying and waiting come to an end for those families is so encouraging. I can't wait to watch their new journey with their new children.

One of the families was even kind enough to bring back necklaces made by Rwandan women for us to use as a fundraiser. (Thanks Becky & Sarah!) I'm so excited about this one!!! Not only is an awesome fundraiser for our adoption, the original cost of the necklaces went directly to Rwandan women to support their families. I love it! I'll post a pic/info soon & anyone interested in a buying a necklace, contact me. You can facebook, email, call, whatever.

Thanks again to all of you who have donated already, prayed for us or even just asked how things were going. This would be a much more difficult road without you!

Nicole (Chris, Cade & Eli)