It's been a while

Hey all,

It's been a while since our last update. There has been a lot going on. I sat in on my first America World conference call for adopting parents from Rwanda, that was pretty cool. Right now we are wading through a significant amount of paperwork/organizational stuff for the homestudy and at the same time for the whole dossier. There have been times when I've questioned God's foresight in matching me with my wife because we truly are polar opposites but I have never been more happy to be married to a "list maker". I am utterly convinced that if she weren't here this thing wouldn't happen because I have the passion just not the organizational abilities. She has both.

A little run down as to where we are:
- Taking our Hague convention class (intro to international adoption)
- Reading the required reading for our home study
- Filling out all necessary medical paperwork/legal paperwork/home study paperwork
- Connecting with our home study coordinator to get our home studied and our dossier underway (last update the wait is looking like 9 months from submission of your dossier to being matched with a child)
- Planning our next garage sale (looks like it's going to be in the next month or so...I'll post again with a firm date)

That's what I can think of right now I'm sure there's more. As always we appreciate your support more than you know. Please continue to pray for us as we still have several hurdles in front of us and no grand idea to get over them as of yet, but we press on.

Chris, Nicole, Caden & Eli