I am convinced

I recently told someone that I am convinced that God is clearest in the unexpected places. This was all the more evident this past weekend. We had our first garage sale and were able to raise ~$700. We pulled up at 6:00 AM and before we had the second box on the lawn there was someone coming to look at what we had. At 2:00 PM we closed shop and literally had people sifting through the boxes as we were loading stuff back in the garage. The most expensive thing we sold was $40, but on average we were selling stuff for a buck or two. Between the first garage sale, donations and the money we've raised selling stuff on Craigslist we've raised the first 10% of our $20,000. With that I am beside myself. Our family, co-workers and friends have been so encouraging and inspiring. We've had boxes of stuff donated, money donated and help coordinating every aspect of the garage sale. All we can say is thank you. Everyone has been amazing and God has been incredibly faithful.

We will be having another garage sale coming up in the next month or so, different location (TBD), lot's more clothes, old DVD's/VHS's, McDonald's toys, etc... If you have items to donate and missed this last garage sale please let us know and we will do whatever we need to connect the dots.

We go forward,

Chris, Nicole, Caden & Eli

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