We were adopted...Ephesians 1

James 1:26-27 "If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Religion that God accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Nicole and I have always been "interested" in adoption. It has always been that thing we thought we'd do some day. We wanted a big family and thought why not, but 3-4 months ago it started to get brought up more often, we started thinking about it more and what/how/why and where all started being discussed. One thing that really added fuel to the fire was that our friends, brought home their son, from Rwanda, making their two, three. It has changed their family and added a face to international adoption.

As I type this Nicole is in the other room working on our application to America World Adoption Agency to adopt a child from Rwanda. We are both more burdened today than yesterday for adoption/adopting our child. And this continues to be true every day. We believe in adoption and God's call to the Church in support of adoption and so we are stepping out in faith. We are confident in a couple things:
  • We serve a big God.
  • We believe the Church is called to global adoption and that we, the Church, have the ability to abolish the need.
  • We, personally, have room in our hearts for another child.
  • A child, tonight, as I write this, is in need.

and that's all we need to know. No more excuses, no more waiting, we walk.

Please join us in global adoption...what that looks like, most importantly, is...

1. Pray

- For guidance as we go down an often frustrating, very demanding road.

- Wisdom - we will be bringing home a child of a different race, a different culture, a different background and experience.

- Grace

- Steadfastness - that we will continue to be the parents that Caden and Eli need.

- How you might join in the global adoption vision. We believe to our cores that all people are called to adoption, just because you aren't called to adopt doesn't mean that you aren't needed.

2. Come along side us

- First and foremost please come alongside us in prayer, we need that above anything and everything else.

- We will be coordinating a couple fund-raisers this summer so keep your eyes peeled.

This is just the beginning. We will be on often and keep everyone updated. Thanks to all who just took the time to read above and to those who support, thank you and to those who take up the mantel of global adoption ... thank you.

Broken Vessels,

Chris, Cole, Cade & Eli

1 Response to "We were adopted...Ephesians 1"

  1. Erika Says:

    I'm praying for you. What an amazing and very much needed undertaking. Looking forward to the fundraisers.

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